Suisse Bancorp has been in business since 2001 and is dedicated to serving clients to the best of our ability. Licensed by the state of Illinois, Suisse Bancorp focuses on immediate financial needs of individuals awaiting lawsuit resolution. Over 27,000 loans have been made to help injured Plaintiffs with both short term and long-term financial assistance. Suisse Bancorp provides a much needed service – Peace of Mind.

Our Work Values

We work together to ensure you have the best experience and that you feel appreciated and valued. SUISSE BANCORP is committed to easing your financial stress.

Our Mission

At SUISSE BANCORP, we work closely with you and your attorney to determine a loan amount that is appropriate. We work with you in analyzing your short-term and long-term financial needs and help you with a program that will see you through until the successful conclusion of your case.

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